Acupuncture has been used for hundreds of years to assist in improving health conditions from back and neck pain, arthritic conditions, sports injuries, headaches, gastrointestinal conditions, infertility and hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia symptoms, plantar fasciitis, allergies and much more.

How it Works
Acupuncture assists in the release of endorphins, anti-inflammatory agents and stimulates blood flow.
Traditional Chinese Medicine reports that Acupuncture stimulates the movement of Chi, or energy in the body, which assists the body in boosting immunity, proper function and improves overall well being.
Acupuncture involves the placement of small, sterile needles beneath the skin and left in place for about 20 minutes. The treatments are typically painless and are done in a private and comfortable environment.
At the initial visit, a thorough history and evaluation are performed to determine if the patient is a candidate for this procedure and how many treatments may be necessary.