Oh Magnesium…what a wonderful thing…but could you be more confusing?!? Magnesium is a vital mineral found in the body and is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions. It is found primarily in bones, muscles and in the brain. It is required for proper function of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. Great sources of Magnesium are green vegetables, beans, peas, nuts, seeds and whole unprocessed grains.
Most of you have probably heard about the high percentage of people estimated to be deficiency in Magnesium. The questions that follow are typically, “How do I get tested?”, “I have symptoms of deficiency but my Mg serum levels were normal.”, “How much do I need to take?”, “What type of Magnesium is best?”. Well, here is the short version of a long explanation of answers to these questions!
First of all, symptoms of Magnesium deficiency range from nausea, vomiting, fatigue, numbness, muscle spasms, pain, insomnia, anxiety to heart arrhythmias, constipation and decreased bone density. Keep in mind, this is an abbreviated list! The absorption of Magnesium may be decreased by excess alcohol, salt, coffee, soda (aka Poison), profuse sweating, diarrhea, stress and many medications (such as antibiotics, diuretics, birth control pills and some anti-inflammatories).
It is important to note that a serum Magnesium test is NOT an accurate test to determine Mg status, however, a RBC Magnesium test is performed by certain labs and IS a much more accurate test.
There are many types of Magnesium supplements and they are not created equally! It is important to find a Magnesium supplement that is highly absorbable. Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Malate are all good options. Avoid Magnesium Carbonate, Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium Gluconate and Magnesium Oxide as they are all poorly absorbed. Epsom Salt baths (Magnesium Sulfate) are a good way to get more Magnesium as it is absorbed through the skin. Keep in mind that our skin is a big sponge…what you put on it…you are taking in….This includes lotions, potions and perfumes…which can be loaded with toxins…but we can save that for another day!
The suggested supplementation for Magnesium ranges from 400 mg- 1000 mg when dealing with deficiency but it is important to realize that the newest suggestion on Magnesium supplementation is a 1:1 ratio with Calcium. That means, taking an equivalent of Magnesium and Calcium. Taking too much Magnesium can also cause diarrhea and other issues, so it is best to visit with the Dr’s at Movement for a recommendation. Lastly, remember that not all supplements are created equal. We carry the highest quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements at our clinic and highly encourage against online, discount or drug store brands.